A Poem for your Tool Box

Some special things you may find useful in your personal Tool Box when managing a Flare Up

The Box Of Special Things

All is well 

With you

My dear

Come sit 

And smile

And linger here

This box

Of calming

Delightful objects

Will make you

Think of

Happy subjects

Lift the lid

What could 

Be there?

An expensive


Origami squares

A tome of

Lovely words

That rhyme

Some beads

To pray with

If so inclined

A book

Of really 

Corny jokes

A picture

Of best

Beloved folk

Some special

Tea bags

Beautifully packeted

A cute little bear

All dressed up

And jacketed

Nice pencils

With quality paper

To draw on

A box with

An ornate 

Little mouth organ

A rhythm

To be made

On a little drum

A sheet with notes

For a song

To be sung

A favourite 


Jigsaw puzzle

A soft

And cuddly

Blanket to nuzzle

A writing book

With pen 

And pencil

A palette 

With paint,

Brush and stencil

A box 

Of magic 

Playing cards

Wool to knit 

Ballad up 

In yards

Soft coloured balls

For your hands

To squeeze

A lovely

Painted fan

For breeze

A disc 

That holds

A lovely voice

A box 

With candies

Of your own choice

If make up

And glamour

Is your thing

Then a mirror 

With lipstick

Nail varnish and bling


Or some

Or all of these

Or other things

It's what 

You please


Your age

Status or gender

It's your box 

You have

The tender

All is well

With you

My dear

In this moment



Written by P.C, a former Fatigue Service patient